Monday, July 20

Icon Tutorial 02. - Color Flare

-This tutorial was not made in 2008/2009.
-Can be done in any program except Paint and is more compatible with Adobe Photoshop.


I'll be using a 96x96 but you can re-size any image to 100x100 it'll work both ways. I'll be using this picture of Cassie, which I got from But I did colorize it. :) Don't I rock at colorizations? :P

The first step will be easy, trust me. All you have to do is on your layers palette duplicate the background layer (right click the only layer there then click duplicate). Then change the mode to Screen and make sure the opacity is at 100%. It should be brighter. See:

Now go LAYER>>NEW FILL LAYER>>SOLID COLOR. Press OK on the box that appears then on the new box that appears put in the hexadecimal box, #006BFD. Then on the layers palette change the mode to Overlay. It should have a bit of a blue flare, see:

On to a bit more trickier step please go to LAYER>>NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER>>COLOR BALANCE. Press OK when a box opens then when the next one appears but these numbers in for Color Levels: -75, -1, +63. Now it should really have a blue flare and you're now completed!