Monday, July 20

Face Improvements 01. - Full Face

-You will need Adobe Photoshop for this tutorial.

In this tutorial I will explain how to airbrush your full human face. It is technically just blurring out your face to make a completed glowing magazine look. This isn't skin touch-ups.

001. Open up your image onto your photoshop. I will be using this image of Angelina Jolie:

*click on the image to see full view*

002. On your side tool bar (go WINDOW >> TOOLS if it is not open) click "QUICK MASK MOOD (Q)" (and make sure your image is the layer selected - WINDOW >> LAYERS) -

003. Then select your "Brush Tool (B)".

004. Start to cover the face/shade in the face (excluding the eyebrows, eyes (around the eyes you still must shade), lips, hair and background) with a fairly large brush tool which you can choose at the top. I'm using a 93px size (the softer brush not the completely rounded one).

When your done it should look something like this:

I screwed up a couple times so I just went back and erased anything I got on the eyebrows/eyes/lips/hair etc.

005. Now on your tool bar you want to go back to the "STANDARD MOOD (Q)".

When you go back to the standard mood it will have a marquee like this:

006. So we can inverse the selected marquee go SELECT >> INVERSE (Shift+Ctrl+I).

007. - Now it should only be selected on the parts you shaded in. Then you go FILTER >> BLUR >> GAUSSIAN BLUR.

008. A box will pop up. It will have a radius. Check mark "Preview" so you can the preview on the actual image. I went up to 3.6 pixels on the radius.

009. Deselect the marquee so you can see the finished image - to do so click anywhere else on the screen but in the selected marquee/or right click in the selected marquee and click deselect.

You now should have a completed airbrushed image!

Final Result

*click on the image to see full view*