Monday, July 20

Face Improvements 01. - Full Face

-You will need Adobe Photoshop for this tutorial.

In this tutorial I will explain how to airbrush your full human face. It is technically just blurring out your face to make a completed glowing magazine look. This isn't skin touch-ups.

001. Open up your image onto your photoshop. I will be using this image of Angelina Jolie:

*click on the image to see full view*

002. On your side tool bar (go WINDOW >> TOOLS if it is not open) click "QUICK MASK MOOD (Q)" (and make sure your image is the layer selected - WINDOW >> LAYERS) -

003. Then select your "Brush Tool (B)".

004. Start to cover the face/shade in the face (excluding the eyebrows, eyes (around the eyes you still must shade), lips, hair and background) with a fairly large brush tool which you can choose at the top. I'm using a 93px size (the softer brush not the completely rounded one).

When your done it should look something like this:

I screwed up a couple times so I just went back and erased anything I got on the eyebrows/eyes/lips/hair etc.

005. Now on your tool bar you want to go back to the "STANDARD MOOD (Q)".

When you go back to the standard mood it will have a marquee like this:

006. So we can inverse the selected marquee go SELECT >> INVERSE (Shift+Ctrl+I).

007. - Now it should only be selected on the parts you shaded in. Then you go FILTER >> BLUR >> GAUSSIAN BLUR.

008. A box will pop up. It will have a radius. Check mark "Preview" so you can the preview on the actual image. I went up to 3.6 pixels on the radius.

009. Deselect the marquee so you can see the finished image - to do so click anywhere else on the screen but in the selected marquee/or right click in the selected marquee and click deselect.

You now should have a completed airbrushed image!

Final Result

*click on the image to see full view*

Icon Tutorial 03. - Contrast Glow

-This tutorial was not made in 2008/2009.
-Can be done in any program except Paint and is more compatible with Adobe Photoshop.


This will be a very easy tutorial with not a lot of steps. This is just enhancing a regular, dull looking photograph. For this icon tutorial (can also be used with advanced pictures) I will be using a picture of Rihanna which got from, here. I re-sized it to cut off some of Rihanna's face though. xP Keep in mind, I will be using Photoshop for this tutorial.

001. To make it have a hint of sharpness go FILTER>>SHARPEN>>SHARPEN. If you think it is too sharp, don't worry it will look better after! =] It just takes a second to get used to.

002. On your layers box that's open (if it isn't go: WINDOW>>LAYERS and a box will pop up) right-click the background layer and press: Duplicate Layer... Then on the drop down menu that should be displaying; Normal change it to Screen. Now the Opacity right next to the modes change it from 100% to 25%. This is what it should look like so far:

003. To get a dark blue - edgy sort of tint look in this icon, I would like you to go LAYER>>NEW FILL LAYER>>SOLID COLOR... A box will pop up and one of the options has Mode: change it (on the drop down menu) to Difference. Another box will appear titled, 'Color Picker'. Change the color to this: #000031 and then click OK. This is what it should look like:

004. Now this is basically the last step to completing this icon tutorial. Go LAYER>>NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER>>BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST. A box will appear click OK and then another one will. Set Brightness to: -9 and Contrast to: +19. Now go LAYER>>FLATTEN ALL. You have successfully (hopefully) completed this tutorial. =]

Icon Tutorial 02. - Color Flare

-This tutorial was not made in 2008/2009.
-Can be done in any program except Paint and is more compatible with Adobe Photoshop.


I'll be using a 96x96 but you can re-size any image to 100x100 it'll work both ways. I'll be using this picture of Cassie, which I got from But I did colorize it. :) Don't I rock at colorizations? :P

The first step will be easy, trust me. All you have to do is on your layers palette duplicate the background layer (right click the only layer there then click duplicate). Then change the mode to Screen and make sure the opacity is at 100%. It should be brighter. See:

Now go LAYER>>NEW FILL LAYER>>SOLID COLOR. Press OK on the box that appears then on the new box that appears put in the hexadecimal box, #006BFD. Then on the layers palette change the mode to Overlay. It should have a bit of a blue flare, see:

On to a bit more trickier step please go to LAYER>>NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER>>COLOR BALANCE. Press OK when a box opens then when the next one appears but these numbers in for Color Levels: -75, -1, +63. Now it should really have a blue flare and you're now completed!

Friday, July 17

Icon Tutorial 01. - Baby Burst

-This tutorial was not made in 2008/2009.
-Can be done in any program except Paint and is more compatible with Adobe Photoshop.


This icon tutorial will not be 100x100 it will be 96x96 (picture from So I was making an msn icon recently, and well I was creating the effect I figured out an awesome baby blue glow effect. As the tutorial is called, Baby Burst. =] That's such a cute name I decided to put it on the msn icon which you can get from, here. I decided earlier when I was making a huge msn icon revamp to do Mischa Barton. One of my favorite actresses with Elisha Cuthbert. :) So I'll be using this icon: (which I sharped so before we start go FLITER>>SHARPEN>>SHARPEN).

Now on the layers bar (it should be open if not go WINODW and then check off LAYERS) and change the layer properties (click the drop down menu and switch it to, Screen. Then after that, change the opcaity to, 30%. It should have a little brightness changed. It should look like this:

Moving on to a little bit trickier step...go LAYER>>NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER>>SELECTIVE COLOR. A little box should open up, press okay. Then on the drop down menu on the new box that appears should be displaying, Reds. Change the percentages to each of the colors on Reds to; Cyan: -100, Magenta: -19, Yellow: -19, Black: +44.

Next on the drop down menu select, Yellows which is right below Reds. Change the percentages to; Cyan: +100, Magenta: +64, Yellow, -32, Black: +100.

The last step for the Selective Color layer is press the drop down menu again and click Neutrals which is right above Blacks. Change the percentages on Neutrals to these color options; Cyan: +52, Magenta: +20, Yellow: 0, Black: 0. Press OK. Now this is what it should look like so far:

This is an easier step then the last. Please go LAYER>>NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER>>HUE/SATURATION. Press ok when a box appears and then another one should. Don't change anything on the edit: drop down menu. Keep Hue: and Lightness: to 0. But change Saturation: to +25. It should look like this now:

Now for the last step for this Baby Burst icon tutorial I would like you to go LAYER>>NEW FILL LAYER. When the box pops up don't set anything yet you can wait till after. Just press OK. Then a new box should appear and in the hexidemal color code box put in #2facd1. Then press OK. On the layer bar (make sure the Color... layer is selected) on the drop down menu (Normal should be displayed) and change it to Color Dodge. And change the opcaity to: 42%. You have now completed the tutorial! Look at the final result!